On Monday, my group had an important conversation with our client. During the discussion, we settled on a new focus for our capstone project. After being more or less stalled for a few weeks, this fresh direction was a relief to all of us. Still, when I sat down to begin doing research on the new topic, I wasn’t sure how to proceed. Even with more alignment, uncertainty had cropped up.
It was immensely helpful to meet with my group today to talk over what to do next. We had to decide how to take our new focus and translate it into realistic and actionable steps. Through this project, I’ve found how crucial it is to have a team to with whom to debrief and transform conceptual ideas into action plans. Sure, I could do this on my own with some degree of success, but there is strength in discussion and multiple viewpoints.
We had so many tools at our disposal – SIT, persuasion techniques, Facebook Insights, Moat, scholarly research, etc. – that all of our heads were spinning. The resources are essentially endless; the trick is deciding what to use and where to look. We want to work smart. To this end, my team decided to kick off some of our own qualitative research as we wade through the secondary sources. We will be conducting a series of one-on-one interviews this week to better understand usage habits and consumer perceptions surrounding our client’s product.
Sometimes the simplest course of action can be the best. The insights from our interviews will help to inform quantitative research we plan to do in the coming weeks. With an action plan in hand, I feel much more confident that we will be able to deliver something of substance to our clients at the end of April. There’s more work to be done, but I feel energized to complete it. Breaking down the project into manageable bites has made the outlook much sunnier.
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