Last week I presented the questions for my survey to the client. After making some very minor changes the client approved the changes. I put the questions in Qualtrics and finally launched the survey. Eagerly waiting for the results now. But it seems to be no respite for me. Early on in the project I had decided that I am going to conduct two separate surveys. Right now it seems to be a lot of work. But my whole project is planned in a way that right now I cannot make any changes. Thus I have to go ahead with my plan. Both my surveys are more Qualitative in nature and one thing that I am experiencing pretty well is the fact that it is more difficult to draft questions for Qualitative Research than for Quantitative Research to gain desired results.
As I have mentioned in my earlier posts that my client is an institute for individuals suffering developmental disabilities. Thus questions asked on such issues especially to the parents of these individuals have to be extremely sensitive. Special care needs to be taken so as to not hurt somebody's sentiments or make somebody uncomfortable. Yet the questions had to be such that it yields desired results. Needless to say I am honestly learning a lot. I am sure this experience would surely help me a lot in the future in my work. This kind of research experience is truly enriching.
However I just have a couple of days to create and launch my second survey. I know this will be a crunch time. A bit of anxiousness and panic is sinking in. At this juncture of the project I am honestly reminded of Prof.Boyd's words "Time is your enemy". It surely is. I really hope I do not fall back on the schedule I had prepared at the very beginning.
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