The past week has been busy and stressful. With the final presentation day approaching soon I was getting stressed about not getting respondents for the survey. The survey was almost dead for a couple of day with no respondents. Social media was a big disappointment to get survey respondents. Most of the pages and groups have a high security filter that eventually blocks all links that you post. So 90% of the links that we posted were either blocked or ended up getting displayed only to the admin as a guest post. Ross and I then managed to get a good number of references and contacts for different fire department Chief and Assistant Chief who could potentially help us circulate our survey. I also personally visited the Ludlow fire station near campus and spoke to a few fire fighters and asked for help. Our alternate solution to approach the fire departments directly solved our issue to a great extent. We are steadily hoping to reach our target. Going through the data there were many interesting responses that I came across. And presenting these facts to the client is going to be very interesting. We have our final presentation review with Professor Boyd next week so everything now needs to catch up speed. Hoping to achieve the goal we had set in the beginning of the project.
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