Last week, I was lucky enough to meet with members of the Shelterhouse board and learn more about the issues they are facing as an organization. There is a preconceived notion that homelessness is brought upon an individual by themselves. Although this may be the case in some situations, most of the time people experience homelessness due to bad luck and guidance. Ultimately this mentality has negatively impacted their fundraising efforts. In an effort to learn more about nonprofit fundraising as well as social cause issues, I have been researching online about other efforts and listening to podcasts. I have been looking at the fundraising efforts of similar organizations in Cincinnati such as the Talbert House and Bethany House. One thing I noticed is that they have initiatives that directly engage millennials such as volunteering days and young professional boards. I am wondering if the core of the issue the Shelterhouse is facing is relevant to strategy and messaging or if it is an issue of not using the appropriate tactics to reach the right audience. I actually think it may be an issue of both strategy and tactics because board members mentioned they were able to change individuals' perceptions of homelessness by giving potential donors tours of their facility. This leads me to believe that people will donate if they think the cause is worthy, but we must show them and make them think homelessness is worthy. I am excited to delve deeper into this challenge in the following weeks.
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