I started working on the core competency analysis, although my client wants me to focus more on personas creation. I figured out that building an effective marketing strategy requires to know the current situation analysis without overlooking the past situations. Diving in the secondary researches i did during the week i found that the customer benefits outcomes is an essential part of a decision marking. My client is a well-known company in the pharmaceutical industry and its market share is growing each year. The Big Picture framework and the Personas are the two variables they need to work on now and in the future in order to boost the sales, develop their sales strategies, and earn more market share by understanding the customer decision making journey.
The most important outcome of this project that it takes you to a real world challenges , and in order to overcome those challenges ,we have to fill the knowing-doing gap through creating a bridge, and fortunately the Big Picture framework is this bridge that we need. Another learning tool is YouTube videos, i learned a lot about the project industry through watching YouTube videos ,analyzing them and come out with very useful and beneficial insights.
My first deliverable is this week , i have a meeting with the client today to put the final touches on my first deliverable and then i can start toward the second deliverable next week. Time management is very essential in this project, and updating my client on a weekly basis will save future requirements and unnecessary modifications .
In this week, i will be contacting the Pest Control Advisers( PCAs in California) - the real decision makers-and i hope they will cooperative with me to furnish me with insights based on their own experience in this field. I will contact 5 PCAs this week and i prepared an interview questionnaire .
Again its about time management of the deliverable s , updating the client and search the YouTube channel videos for more insights and progress.
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