Capstone is going relatively smoothly for me, compared with the pervious several weeks. The main lesson I have learnt is the importance of flexibility. Due to the reason that our clients are out of Cincinnati because of their personal business, this is to no one's fault and I can totally understand them because they are so busy. However, I have to handle delays in the finalization and signing of the charter, which may delay several components of project. it made me realize I need to remain adjustable to face other unpredictable situations in the future.
During this week, I am working on the current big picture based on my schedule and doing a lot of qualitative researches and feel like I’ve made a good amount of progress on gathering information for my capstone project. I’m still feeling confident, even though I know I have a bunch of work and researches to do. I feel like I’m on the right track because I’m sticking to the objectives as outlined. My plan for now is to continue the pace and try to dig deeper.
Reflecting on the 1st physical class, I was excited to have class with professor and learnt some very useful tools and feedback. I will definitely use some tools in my own project.
Time is the first enemy, and the clock is still ticking. Keep working!
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